FCOJ #1 (OJ) |
Initial | Maintenance | |
Spec (Per Contract) | 700 USD (n/c) | 500 USD (n/c) |
Hedge (Per Contract) | 500 USD (n/c) | 500 USD (n/c) |
Hedge Spread(Per Spread) | 250 USD (n/c) | 250 USD (n/c) |
Spec Spread (Per Spread) | 350 USD (n/c) | 250 USD (n/c) |
Initial | Maintenance | |
Spec (Per Contract) | 700 USD | 500 USD |
Hedge (Per Contract) | 500 USD | 500 USD |
Hedge Spread(Per Spread) | 250 USD | 250 USD |
Spec Spread (Per Spread) | 350 USD | 250 USD |
FCOJ-B (OB) | ||
Initial | Maintenance | |
Spec (Per Contract) | 700 USD | 500 USD |
Hedge (Per Contract) | 500 USD | 500 USD |
FCOJ -DIFF (OD) | ||
Initial | Maintenance | |
Spec (Per Contract) | 210 USD | 150 USD |
Hedge (Per Contract) | 150 USD | 150 USD |
Hedge Spread(Per Spread) | 75 USD | 75 USD |
Spec Spread (Per Spread) | 105 USD | 75 USD |
Margin rates for all other NYBOT products remain unchanged. A complete grid of margin rates for all NYBOT products is availableat www.nybot.com.
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) is the parent company of theCoffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) and the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). Through its two exchanges, NYBOT offersan expanding range of agricultural and financial products. Information about the New York Board of Trade can be found at www.nybot.com and www.nybotlive.com.