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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NYBOT Announces Changes To Its Coffee "C" Differentials For Peruvian, Honduran And Indian Coffees

Date 05/06/2003

The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that effective with the July 2005 delivery and after filing with the CFTC, its Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) Coffee Rules will be amended to provide that the differential for delivery of coffee from Peru and Honduras will be zero (i.e., they will be delivered at par), and the differential for delivery of coffee from India will be minus 100 points.

Prior to the effective date for these changes, the differentials for Peru and Honduras are each minus 100 points, and the differential for India is minus 300 points.

NYBOT's coffee contract calls for delivery of washed Arabica coffee produced in nineteen Central and South American, Asian and African countries. Each contract is for roughly 250 bags of coffee (or 37,500 pounds).

The text of the new amendments to the Coffee Rules is available for free to interested parties by calling 212-748-4090.

The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) is the parent company of the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) and the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). Through its two exchanges and their subsidiaries and divisions, NYBOT offers an expanding range of agricultural, currency and index products. Information about the New York Board of Trade can be found at and