- NSX data now available on Bloomberg
- Commencement of Quotation - Cosmedics Australia Limited ("CMA")
- Innovate 2003 - From Idea to Profit
- Hunter Means Business Regional Expo
- Recent Listed Company Announcements
- New Floats on NSX
NSX is please to announce that from Monday 1st September 2003 NSX market data is now available on the Bloomberg Service. This means that over 180,000 screens worldwide have access to NSX pricing, live company annoucements and new floats information. To access the service use the Bloomberg code NSXE
Access to the Bloomberg subscriber base will greatly enhance the visibility of NSX listed companies. NSX market data are also available on IRESS, the AFR newspaper daily, Dynamic Small Business magazine, MINMET and AAP data services. For more information please contact Scott Evans, General Manager (02) 4929 6377.
Principal Activities: Medical services company specialising in laser skin care treatments, related appearance medical services and general medical practice.
NSX Trading Code: CMA and CMAO
Start of trading: 11:00 am AEST 4th September 2003
Nominated Adviser: Venture Axess
Sponsoring Broker: Reynolds & Co Pty Limited
More information about this security is available at:
- http://www.newsx.com.au/market/securitydetailstrad.asp?nsxcode=CMA
- http://www.newsx.com.au/market/securitydetailstrad.asp?nsxcode=CMAO
Do you have an idea or business that potentially could be worth millions? Vision Venture Capital and Global Wealth Education in conjunction with sponsors, the Newcastle Stock Exchange and Ingage Communications are going to turn the dreams of one lucky person or business start up into reality by offering them a $600,000 investment package to the most innovative business or idea in Australia.
Full Story: http://www.newsx.com.au/wnews/newsview.asp?ID=72
4. Innovate 2003 - From Idea to profit.
The NSX will be speaking at the inaugural Innovate - Australia's Innovation Forum will be held in Wollongong 22nd September, 2003 at the WIN Entertainment Centre.
Full Story: http://www.newsx.com.au/wnews/newsview.asp?ID=73
5. Hunter Means Business Regional Expo
The NSX has an exhibition stand at this 1 day event, scheduled for Tuesday 9 September at Locomotive Boiler Shop, Honeysuckle, Newcastle (7 am to 7pm) will feature exhibits from over 60 government and private organisations that provide services to business, keynote presentations and business briefing sessions throughout the day.
Full Story: http://www.newsx.com.au/wnews/newsview.asp?ID=74
Full Stories at: http://www.newsx.com.au/announce/anndelayed2.asp
IFRHA Incitec Fertilizers Limited Redeemable Preference Share - Dividend Payment
PMI Pegmont Mines NL FPO Quarterly Report to 30 June 2003
PMI Pegmont Mines NL FPO Tenement Acquisitions and Rationalisation
HGDXHA Heritage Gold NZ Limited Warrants Rahu Drilling - Karangahake Project. Results of Final Four Drillholes.
CCT Concentrated Capital Limited FPO Shareholders July update
7. New Floats on NSX
Full information on each float is available at: http://www.newsx.com.au/floats
SWP SwepDri Limited FPO
Prospectus Closes: Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Proposed Listing Date: to be advised
WAY Waymouth Resources Limited FPO
Prospectus Closes: Friday, October 31, 2003
Proposed Listing Date: To be advised
DRL Diatreme Resources Limited FPO
Prospectus Closes: Friday, September 26, 2003
Proposed Listing Date: To be advised
OHZ Opal Horizon Limited FPO
Prospectus Closes: Saturday, September 27, 2003
Proposed Listing Date: To be advised
OHZO Opal Horizan Limited Options
Prospectus Closes: Saturday, September 27, 2003
Proposed Listing Date: To be advised