Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

November On The Warsaw Exchange

Date 06/12/2002

In November 2002, all of WSE indices went up. WIG index grew the most.

Monthly index movements Change from the beginning of the year
WIG20 3.36% 0.88%
MIDWIG 3.78% -7.66%
WIG 4.04% 5.32%
TECHWIG 1.41% -36.54%
NIF 0.69% -3.86%
WIRR 1.88% -21.44%

Among all listed companies 125 showed positive rates of return.

Stocks with highest return in November
  Price (in zloty) on  
Company 31.10.02 29.11.02 Change %
NETIA 1.73 3.69 113.3
MACROSOFT 3.13 6.10 94.9
GPRD 3.56 6.75 89.6

The cash market turnover amounted to 4 232 million zloty and was 0.4 % lower compared to October. On the futures market turnover totalled 6 021 million zloty, 11.9 % less than in the previous month.

Turnover (million zloty)
Stocks (Excluding block trades) 3 721.8
Bonds (Excluding block trades) 510.3
MiniWIG20 2.5
Futures (Based on contracts value) 6 018.8
Volume (contracts) 255 423.0

On November 12, 2002, a Meat Company DUDA S.A. filed an application for the admission to trading of its 2,300,000 ordinary bearer shares of series A, from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 ordinary bearer shares of series B and 2,000,000 of its allotment certificates. The allotment certificates concern the 2,000,000 ordinary series bearer shares of series B.

On November 12, 2002, floating-rate Treasury bonds maturing November 5, 2005 (ticker symbol TZ1105), with nominal value of 1,000 zloty debuted on the Exchange.

On November 18, 2002, new series of warrants issued by BRE Bank for shares of 10 companies and for the TechWIG index made their debut on the Exchange.

On November 18, 2002, LPP - a company previously listed on the WSE parallel market, was quoted on the main market for the first time.

On November 20, 2002, a new company - Emax - debuted on the WSE free market. 1,681,580 ordinary bearer shares of series B were introduced to exchange trading. The company was qualified to the WSE Segment for Innovative Technologies - SiTech. Shares of Emax are quoted in the continuous system. The Emax group is made of six entities providing services based on advanced IT technologies to various sectors of the economy. Emax specialises in the integration of tele-IT systems. The company has been active on the Polish market for over 15 years. The company is based in Poznan.

On November 20, 2002, the Exchange Supervisory Board delisted, due to their withdrawal from public trading, shares of the following companies:

  • Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe Compensa - effective November 21, 2002
  • Famot Pleszew - effective November 22, 2002
  • Zaklady Miesne Morliny - effective November 22, 2002
  • Polar - effective November 21, 2002
  • Sempertrans Belchatów - effective November 27, 2002.
On November 26, 2002, fixed-rate Treasury bonds maturing June 24, 2008 (ticker symbol PS0608) with nominal value of 1,000 zloty debuted on the Exchange.

Changes in the WSE indices

Following the trading session on November 8, 2002, Compensa shares were removed from the WIG index portfolio due to the initiation of the procedure of withdrawal from public trading.

On November 15, 2002, the Exchange announced changes to the WIG20 and MIDWIG index portfolios that will become effective in December 2002, following the quarterly adjustments. Following the trading session on December 20, 2002, Debica (61 shares) will replace Optimus in the WIG20 index portfolio.

The same day Debica stock will leave the MIDWIG portfolio, while Groclin (74 shares), Optimus (490 shares) and LPP (10 shares) will become new MIDWIG participants.

As a result of not meeting the MIDWIG index participation criteria, following the trading session of November 19, 2002, the shares of Boryszew, Grupa Onet, Impexmetal, Kogeneracja, Polfa Kutno, Rafako, Relpol, Stalprodukt, Szeptel and Wilbo were removed from the index portfolio through an extraordinary adjustment.

Thereby up to December 20, 2002, shares of 20 companies will participate in this index.

Detailed information concerning the Exchange indices can be found on the WSE website at (under Market data - > Indices).