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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Niklas Midby To Leave OM

Date 21/12/2001

Niklas Midby, Executive Vice President OM and Head of Division Transaction, will not be taking up the position of CFO for OM as previously announced. Instead he has chosen to leave the company as of February 1, 2002.

As the role of CFO has become more clearly defined it is clear that its function has moved closer to one that is purely financial in its scope. My interests in corporate management and development, as well as strategic investments, would have been difficult to combine with this type of CFO role, comments Niklas Midby, Executive Vice President, OM.

Niklas Midby has played an active role in an eventful phase of OM's development - however, I respect his decision. We will now begin the recruitment process for a new CFO, states Per E. Larsson, President and CEO, OM.