Effective Wednesday, Wolfgang Steubing AG, Frankfurt will act as a new Market Maker at NEWEX (New Europe Exchange). Steubing will support Lukoil, Matav, MOL, OTP and TPA. Steubing joins Baader Wertpapierhandelsbank and Austrian Centrobank, a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB), who already act as Market Makers at NEWEX. Additional Market Makers will follow, as NEWEX announced on Wednesday.
Market Makers are obliged to quote binding bid and ask prices for a minimum of 20,000 euros on a continuous basis for each security they support.
Since the beginning of November NEWEX offers continuous trading supported by Market Makers for Central and Eastern European (CEE) Securities. NEWEX is the only market place in Continental Europe where CEE securities are continuously traded in euros.