Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NEWEX Starts The Year Off With A Record: 687 Million Euro In Turnover

Date 14/02/2002

At NEWEX (New Europe Exchange), the exchange for Central and East European (CEE) securities, volume of 687 million euros was traded in January, making it the highest monthly turnover in NEWEX history. The previous record was set in June 2001 with a turnover of 556 million euros. A total volume of 3.1 billion euros was traded at NEWEX in 2001, giving it a market share of over 65 per cent of the German CEE securities market.

The single most traded issue in January were the common share of Russian oil producer LUKOIL with more than 4.1 million shares traded.

The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order-book of Xetra and broker-supported trading on the floor, show that a total volume of 179.8 million euros was traded in January.

NEWEX is the Central and East European segment within the Third Segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Freiverkehr) operated by NEWEX Börse AG. The NEWEX segment consists of 113 equities. NEWEX instruments are increasingly traded on Xetra as well as on the floor of the Frankfurt stock Exchange. NEWEX is the only market within the eurozone, in which where CEE equities are traded continuously in euros with Market Makers securing liquidity.