Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NEWEX Instruments Now Tradable On Xetra Frankfurt

Date 07/08/2001

From now on selected securities at NEWEX (New Europe Exchange) can be traded on the Frankfurt Backend of Xetra, the electronic trading system, as NEWEX announced yesterday. With this move all 435 Xetra members are now able to trade CEE securities directly on NEWEX.

At the beginning securities are traded in "Continuous Auction" with the support of Liquidity Providers and „ Single Auction" only. In a short while "Continuous Trading" with Market Maker support will be added for the most liquid NEWEX instruments on the Xetra Backend Frankfurt.

After integrating the CEE sub-segment in the Third Market at Frankfurt Stock Exchange in June, NEWEX has now taken another strategic step towards concentrating CEE trading on a single platform.