Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New York Mercantile Exchange To Raise Margins On Crude Oil Futures Contracts

Date 12/03/2003

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will increase the margins on e-miNYsm crude oil, and seven of its crude oil futures contracts as of the close of business tomorrow.

Margin rates on the light, sweet crude oil; Light Louisiana Sweet crude oil; West Texas Sour crude oil; West Texas Intermediate-Midland crude oil; Mars Blend crude oil; Brent crude oil futures contracts will be increased to $5,500 from $4,000 for clearing members, to $6,050 from $4,400 for members, and to $7,425 from $5,400 for customers.

Margins on Western Texas Intermediate crude oil calendar swap futures contracts will be increased to $5,500 from $2,000 for clearing members, to $6,050 from $2,200 for members, and to $7,425 from $2,700 for customers.

Margins on crude oil e-miNYsm futures contracts will be increased to $2,200 from $1,600 for clearing members, to $2,420 from $1,760 for members, and to $2,970 from $2,160 for customers.