The new contracts and their commodity codes are: RBOB bullet swap (RT); RBOB calendar swap (RL); RBOB up-down calendar swap (RV); RBOB vs. heating oil swap (RH); and RBOB crack spread swap futures (RM). The RBOB crack spread swap futures contracts is 1,000 barrels in size with a minimum price fluctuation of $0.01 per barrel; all others are 42,000 gallons in size with a minimum price fluctuation of $0.0001 per gallon.
For NYMEX ClearPort® trading of the RBOB bullet and RBOB calendar swap futures contracts, members will be paid $1.00 and non–members will pay $2.50 per contract. NYMEX ClearPort® clearing and the cash settlement fees will be $0.85 for members and $1.35 for non–members.
For NYMEX ClearPort® trading of the RBOB up–down calendar swap, RBOB vs. heating oil swap, and RBOB crack spread swap futures contracts, members will be paid $1.00 and non–members will pay $2.50 per contract. NYMEX ClearPort® clearing and the cash settlement fees will be $1.70 for members and $2.70 for non–members.
All five new contracts are cash–settled. There are four calendar month swaps and one bullet swap contracts that is a futures look–alike instrument which terminates one business day prior to the underlying RBOB futures contract.
All of the contracts will be listed for the current year and the next three years, and a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.