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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New York Mercantile Exchange To List Additional Months, Unify Schedule For NYISO And Dow Jones Electricity Futures

Date 09/07/2004

New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today plans to unify the procedure for listing additional months in its financially settled electricity futures contracts.

Starting this Sunday evening with the July 12 trading session, additional months will be added to the three New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) electricity futures contracts – NYISO Zone A (western New York), NYISO Zone G (Hudson Valley), and NYISO Zone J (New York City) – and to the four Dow Jones electricity index futures for Mid–Columbia, North Path 15, South Path 15, and Palo Verde. The contracts will now follow the schedule that was implemented for the PJM monthly electricity futures contract on June 24 which lists the current year and the next three years.

The three NYISO futures contracts, currently listed through June 2007, and the four Dow Jones index contracts, currently listed through December 2006, will be extended through December 2007. Following the expiration of the December 2004 contract, 12 additional months will be listed for January through December 2008.