Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New York Mercantile Exchange To Increase Margins On Two NYMEX ClearPort® Futures Contracts

Date 19/04/2006

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced margin changes for its European jet CIF Northwest Europe vs. gasoil futures swap and PJM western hub LMP peak monthly futures contracts, as of the close of business on April 20.

The margins on the European jet CIF Northwest Europe futures contract will increase to $5,000 from $2,800 for clearing members, to $5,500 from $3,080 for members, and to $6,750 from $3,780 for customers.

Margins for the first through 16th months of the PJM western hub LMP peak monthly futures contract will remain unchanged. Margins on all other months will increase to $3,000 from $2,000 for clearing members, to $3,300 from $2,200 for members, and to $4,050 from $2,700 for customers.