In the first category the following 9 company representatives were elected from the list of 15 biggest RTS market participants:
¹ | Company | Representative |
1. | Troika Dialog | Jacque Der Megreditchian |
2. | | Alexander Vinokurov |
3. | United Financial Group | Dmitry Khilov |
4. | Brunswick UBS Warburg | Marlen Manason |
5. | "NIKOil" Bank | Igor Kolomeisky |
6. | ATON | Alexander Kandel |
7. | Alfa-Bank | Dominic Paul Gualtieri |
8. | BrokerCreditService | Oleg Mikhasenko |
9. | Renaissance Broker | Anna Vyshlova |
In the second category the following regional representatives were elected:
¹ | Region | Company | Representative |
1 | North-Western | Energocapital | Alexander Kashin |
2 | Sibirean | LAND | Anatoly Dubeiko |
In the third category the following 6 independent members were elected:
¹ | Candidate | Company |
1. | Ruben Vardanian | Rosgosstrakh |
2. | Yuri Dubin | Sberbank of Russian Federation |
3. | Victor Nikolaev | St.Petersburg Stock Exchange |
4. | Dmitry Ponomarev | Administrator of Wholesale Electricity Market |
5. | Alexei Savatiygin | NAUFOR |
6. | Oleg Yachnik | OLMA |