Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New RTS Stock Exchange Board Of Directors Elected

Date 27/06/2003

On its June 26th, 2003, meeting the RTS Partnership Council elected the new Board of Directors.

In the first category the following 9 company representatives were elected from the list of 15 biggest RTS market participants:

¹ Company Representative
1. Troika Dialog Jacque Der Megreditchian
2. Alexander Vinokurov
3. United Financial Group Dmitry Khilov
4. Brunswick UBS Warburg Marlen Manason
5. "NIKOil" Bank Igor Kolomeisky
6. ATON Alexander Kandel
7. Alfa-Bank Dominic Paul Gualtieri
8. BrokerCreditService Oleg Mikhasenko
9. Renaissance Broker Anna Vyshlova

In the second category the following regional representatives were elected:

¹ Region Company Representative
1 North-Western Energocapital Alexander Kashin
2 Sibirean LAND Anatoly Dubeiko

In the third category the following 6 independent members were elected:

¹ Candidate Company
1. Ruben Vardanian Rosgosstrakh
2. Yuri Dubin Sberbank of Russian Federation
3. Victor Nikolaev St.Petersburg Stock Exchange
4. Dmitry Ponomarev Administrator of Wholesale Electricity Market
5. Alexei Savatiygin NAUFOR
6. Oleg Yachnik OLMA