Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New Record In Turnover On The German Stock Exchanges In February - New Xetra® Record In Growth And Second-Line Stocks

Date 01/03/2000

The German stock exchanges posted a new record high in turnover in February, with a total volume of 712 billion EURO traded, 110 billion EURO over the record set in the month of January. Compared with the previous record set in January, total turnover rose 18.3 percent in February, gaining more than 75 percent over the same month of last year. Trading in equities and warrants accounted for 560 billion euros of the total, and about 151 billion euros in fixed-income securities. Trading at FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange as a share of the total turnover on all German stock exchanges achieved a new high in February, with FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange posting about 85 percent of the total traded in equities nationwide. The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and broker-supported trading on the floor, show equities turnover of about 168 billion EURO for all German stock exchanges in February. Of this total, volume of 149 billion EURO was traded in German equities, with 77 percent (115 billion EURO) of this volume posted through Xetra. Another 16 percent, or roughly 24 billion EUROs in turnover, were posted in trading on the floor of FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange. About 85 percent of the total turnover in DAX stocks was posted through Xetra. Xetra is also attracting an increasing share of the trading in second-line and growth stocks, setting a new monthly record in the MDAX and Neuer Markt stocks: About 48 percent of all MDAX volume in February (compared with 42.5 percent in January) and about 47 percent of the total NEMAX-50 volume (39 percent in January) were traded through Xetra. The order-book statistics show that Mannesmann was the most active blue chip in February, with volume of about 42 billion EUROs traded in its shares. SGL Carbon was the leading MDAX stock, with 340 million EURO in shares traded, EM.TV the top Neuer Markt stock, at about 1.2 billion EURO. In the SMAX segment, OAR Consulting ranked first with a volume of 191 million EUROs traded in its shares.