Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New Open Interest Records Established In April At Winnipeg Commodity Exchange

Date 05/05/2000

Open interest records for total futures and options were established during the month. On April 14, total futures and options open interest reached a record 131,225 contracts. The previous recorded high for total futures and options open interest was 127,813 contracts set on April 7, 2000. Within that, July canola at 29,630 open contracts on April 27, 2000 topped a recent record for open interest of 25,581 set on April 7, 2000. In addition, a record for total open interest in futures was set at 109,789 contracts on April 14, 2000, compared to the previous high of 108,210 contracts reached on April 4, 2000.

While total futures and options trading volume for April 2000 rose 20% from April 1999, crop-year-to-date total volume topped 16% over the same period in the previous year. Canola, flaxseed, oats and western barley all showed significant volume increases over year-ago monthly volumes. When Exchange for Physicals (E.F.P.s) are included, April 2000 futures volume totals 239,597 contracts.

Crop-year-to-date canola futures volume as of the end of April was 10% higher than the same period in the 1998/99 crop year. Looking at calendar-year-to-date statistics, barley and flaxseed volumes have experienced the most significant increases, at 42.4% and 51% respectively. As well, options volume calendar-year-to-date was up 43% over the previous crop year.

Flaxseed futures monthly volume showed a 49% increase in April over the same month a year ago. Open interest on the last day of April 2000 was 40% higher than the 3,863 contracts open on April 30, 1999.

Trade activity in western barley futures surpassed contracts recorded during April 1999 by 38%. Open interest at month-end was 8,808 more than double the contracts recorded on the same date in 1999. The increase in barley trade is reflected in the crop-year-to-date volume, up 31% from the same period in 1998/99.

Overall, total open interest in WCE options contracts on April 30, 2000 was up 11,023 contracts or 130.9% compared to the same date last year.