The IPO consisted of a total offering of 166,091 shares, raising a total of EUR 914 thousand.
At the end of the first trading day, the share price rose by 12.91%, compared to the initial reference price of EUR 5.5, to close at EUR 6.21 bringing the market capitalisation of the company at EUR 12.97 million.
With this new introduction, the Free Market of Euronext Brussels now lists 10 companies.
Option Trading Company was founded in June 2000. It is active in arbitrage and derivative transactions and exclusively handles its own accounts. OTC is under the supervision of the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission with a ‘derivatives specialist’ status.
The company also concluded an agreement with Euronext Brussels in which it ensures liquidity in the future on the BEL20 index. Furthermore, OTC mainly operates on Euronext Brussels as a ‘dealer’ in derivatives on various shares such as Belgacom, Fortis, Dexia, Delhaize, etc…
Contrary to speculation, OTC’s arbitrage activities do not involve an opinion on the market itself. The objective of most of the transactions is to take advantage of a measurable and temporary price difference in comparable financial products. OTC thus capitalizes on market inefficiencies and only relies on rational elements.
ICB classification of OTC: 8000 – Finacials, 8700 – Financial Services, 8770 – General Financial, 8775 – Speciality
OTC is traded on the NSC platform under the following codes:
Code SVM: 3834.51
Code ISIN: BE0003834513
Code stock: OTCB