Key modifications of the SBI 20 Index methodology:
- total number of shares is reduced, from 20 to 15,
- the principal criterion for placement in the index calculation no longer includes total market capitalisation but free float capitalisation,
- participation of individual shares in the index structure no longer depends on their total market capitalisation but on free float capitalisation,
- a two-way revision system will replace the existing four equivalent revisions per year. An annual revision will take place at the end of the year, placing the best fifteen shares on the market in the index calculation, according to the adopted criteria. With the three-month revisions, shares of an individual issuer will only be included in the index in case they are placed tenth or higher - likewise, shares will only be excluded from the index calculation should they rank as low as twentieth, or lower.
- the precise method, term and place of publication of all alterations related to the index calculations are all fixed.
- the system of revisions for the IPT (Free Market Index) and the PIX (Authorised Investment Funds Index) Indices is altered in accordance with the modifications of the SBI 20 Index revisions. The PIX Index will be reduced in size, from the existing twenty to fifteen shares.
- there will be no alterations with the Bond Index (BIO), and with the Industrial Sector Indices.