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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New Gold ETC From ETF Securities Launched On Xetra - ETC Hedged Against Daily Exchange Rate Fluctuation

Date 21/03/2013

A new ETC (exchange traded commodity) issued by ETFS Hedged Metal Securities Limited has been tradable on Xetra since Thursday.

ETC name: ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Physical Gold
 Asset class: Commodities
 ISIN: DE000A1RX996
 Management fee: 0.39 percent
 Benchmark: MS Long Gold Euro Hedged Index
The ETFS EUR Daily Hedged Physical Gold enables investors to participate in the development of the gold spot price, with daily hedging against US dollar exchange rate fluctuations. The product is backed by physical gold, deposited at JP Morgan Chase Bank, which complies with the rules of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).
Deutsche Börse’s ETC segment product range currently comprises 270 instruments. The monthly trading volume of ETCs on Xetra averages around €700 million.