Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) On The SWX Swiss Exchange

Date 19/08/2008

Ten new products have been listed in the Exchange Traded Funds segment of the SWX Swiss Exchange, taking the total to 135 ETFs. The new funds are:

Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia-Pacific ex Japan. The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF MSCI EM Latin America. The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF MSCI Emerging Markets. The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF South Africa (FTSE JSE TOP 40). The trading currency is EUR.
Lyxor ETF China Enterprise (HSCEI). The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan. The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea. The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF Hong Kong (HSI). The trading currency is USD.
Lyxor ETF New Energy. The trading currency is EUR.
Lyxor ETF World Water. The trading currency is EUR.

Société Générale Paris will perform the marketing making for these shares.