Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New EEX Exchange Council Elected

Date 24/05/2006

In accordance with the applicable schedule the trading partici-pants of European Energy Exchange (EEX) elected a new exchange council on 22 May 2006. The voting procedure was carried out via postal vote and the following results were achieved.

The group of national transmission system operators and energy trading companies will be represented by Marc Ehry (Petro Carbo Chem GmbH), Dr. Wulf Lammert (Energieunion AG) and Dr. Thomas Niedrig (RWE Trading GmbH). Kurt Baumgartner (Aare-Tessing AG für Elektrizität), Marco Fesseler (BKW enex AG), Peter Heydecker (Energie Ouest Suisse S. A.), Dr. Jacques Piasko (Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft-Laufenburg AG), Dr. Günther Rabensteiner (Österreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-AG), Edgar Röck (TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG) and Andrea Vittorio Siri (Edison Trading S.p.A) will represent the group of the international transmission system opera-tors and energy trading companies on the exchange council. The municipal utilities and regional suppliers will be represented by Sven Becker (Trianel European Energy Trad-ing GmbH), Dr. Christoph Helle (MVV Energie AG), Ralf Henze (Stadtwerke Hannover AG) and Peter Lintzel (Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH). Tobias Lausch (BNP Paribas) and Vincent van Lith (BHF-BANK AG) will represent the credit and financial institutions. Phil Atkinson (ICAP Energy AS) was elected as the representative of the group of energy brokers and Pierre Chevalier (DB Energie GmbH) was elected as the consumers’ representative.

The exchange council of EEX comprises a total of 23 members. In addition to the 18 representatives of the trading participants, four associations also delegate one repre-sentative each to this board. Moreover, one so called investors’ representative is elected by the exchange council and completes its board.

The exchange council is a body of the exchange according to the German exchange act. A member of the exchange council is elected for a period of three years. The ex-change council primarily passes the exchange regulations and their changes. Moreover it appoints and monitors the management of the exchange and appoints the head of market surveillance.