Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

New Board Of Directors For Amman Stock Exchange

Date 09/02/2025

Based on the decision of the Committee for Nominating Government Representatives on Boards of Directors and corporate Bodies, the Committee decided to appoint a new Board of Directors for the Amman Stock Exchange Company, effective 26/01/2025.

Prof .Dr. Ghassan Umt, Ms. Hala Mohammed Seraj, Ms. Dima Mufleh Aql, Ms. Amal Isaac Duqes, Mr. Nayef Sameh Al-Aloul, Mr. Anwar Al-Saqqa Representative of  the Financial Services Companies Syndicate investors, and Mr. Waleed Abdallat Representative of the Jordanian Association of Securities Investors, were appointed as members of the Board of Directors. At its first meeting, prof. Dr. Umt was elected Chairman of the Board.