The share turnover of the month topped LTL 100 m (Eur 28.96 m), reaching LTL 132 m (Eur 38.23 m). The sale of the blocks of shares of Utenos Trikotazas AB and Zemaitijos Pienas AB improved the turnover of negotiated deals to LTL 78 m (Eur 22.59 m). Central market share trading was slightly lower than that of the record month of February and reached LTL 54 m (Eur 15.64 m). The most active central market players were Vilniaus Vingis AB, Lietuvos Telekomas AB, Snaige AB and Rokiskio Suris AB. The turnover of debt securities was lower than that in January and February and stood at LTL 144 m (41.71 m). Thus, the total securities trading in March surpassed the turnover of any month of last year reaching LTL 277 m (LTL 80.22 m).
During the first quarter of 2004, the number of transaction per trading session doubled comparing to last year, share trading amounted to LTL 422 million (Eur 122.22 m), and that of Government debt securities reached LTL 526 m (Eur 152.34 m) bringing the total securities turnover to LTL 948 m (Eur 274.56 m). The mentioned share turnovers have already comprised 71%, 38% and 48% of the corresponding total turnovers for 2003.