Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Monthly Report November 2002

Date 12/12/2002

On 8 November the Ministry of Agriculture transferred to the State Property Fund state-owned shares of the Current List alcoholic beverage companies Stumbras, Vilniaus Degtinë, Alita, and Anykèèiø Vynas. Privatisation programmes of those companies are to be announced at the beginning of 2003.

In November Ðiauliø Bankas AB announced the results of placement and settlement of a new LTL 4 million share issue, Lietuvos Þemës Ûkio Bankas informed about an increase of the share capital by LTL 73.7, Klaipëdos Nafta AB notified about an increase of the authorised capital by LTL 17 million from supplementary contributions, while Trinyèiai AB informed about a decrease of its authorised capital by LTL 1.4 million. A general meeting of shareholders of Utenos Trikotaþas AB passed a resolution to decrease the authorised capital by reducing proportionally the holdings of all shareholders and paying out to them free funds of the company.

As the prices of dominating shares have increased during the period under review, the capitalisation of listed shares grew by 4% and the share indices went up: LITIN by 10% and LITIN-G by 2.9%. Lack of positive news resulted in a rather passive trading by investors on the Stock Exchange. In November the total turnover was the lowest of the current year standing at LTL 73.2 million. This month's turnover of the Government securities (LTL 56.5 million) was higher only than that of August and the turnover of shares (LTL 16.7 million) left behind only that of May. Share trading was marked by the prevailing trend of the current year: central market trading, where the amount of shares sold tripled, accounted for almost 70% of share turnover and produced a turnover (LTL 11.6 million) two times higher than through other transactions. Shares of Aliejus AB, which sought to purchase its own securities, made up one third of the central market turnover, while the turnover of Lietuvos Telekomas AB shares accounted for LTL 1.8 million on the central market. The turnover of shares in block trading in November (LTL 5 million) ranks among the lowest in the history of the Stock Exchange. The larger share of block trading went to the shares of Invalda AB, though the turnover stood only at LTL 153 thousand. Block trading was dominated by the turnover of Ðiauliø Bankas AB shares amounting to LTL 3 million. Residual state holdings in two companies, Grafobal Vilnius and Vilniaus Prekyba, were privatised through the Stock Exchange and one tender offer was executed during which the shares of Ðiauliø Autoservisas AB were bought up.

Calculating from the beginning of the year, the turnover of the Exchange amounted to LTL 1.7 billion, which is 4% higher than during 11 months of the previous year. Due to a notable growth throughout the year the debt securities turnover is 28% higher than during the same period of 2001 and stands at LTL 1.1 billion. Shares account for 34% or LTL 564 million of the total turnover.

On 5 December the Privatisation Commission approved the initial sale price of the state-owned share holdings of public companies Klaipëdos Trasporto Laivynas and Lietuvos Jûrø Laivininkystë (80.89% of the share capital of Klaipëdos Transporto Laivynas AB for LTL 48.7 million and 66.66% of the share capital of Lietuvos Jûrø Laivininkystë AB for LTL 20.1 million).