Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nasdaq Peak Data Feed Message Rates For June 2002

Date 11/07/2002

Nasdaq® reports its peak message rate statistics for its data feed products on a monthly basis. During the month of June 2002, Nasdaq supported the following three data feed products in production: the Level 1 ServiceSM, the Nasdaq Quotation Dissemination ServiceSM (NQDSSM), and the Nasdaq Trade Dissemination ServiceSM (NTDSSM). For the month of June 2002, the peak traffic rates for these data feeds were as follows:

Data Feed
Data Rate in Messages Per Second (mps) Average Message Size
15 - second 1 - Minute
Level 1 457.6 mps 441.1 mps 55.4 bytes
NQDS 1,147.5 mps 1,045.2 mps 68.0 bytes
NTDS 957.0 mps 870.3 mps 43.8 bytes

When compared to prior month's peak rates, Nasdaq saw an eleven percent increase in Level 1 messages during the peak 15-second period in June 2002. The NQDS and NTDS data rates did not change significantly from May to June 2002, however.

It should be noted that Nasdaq experienced a substantial increase in the Level 1 traffic in association with new Unlisted Trading Privileges (UTP) processing that was introduced on July 1, 2002. In addition, Nasdaq expects to see its Level 1 and NQDS traffic rates to increase as it phases in securities to the new SuperMontageSM system beginning July 29, 2002.

To handle the bandwidth capacity demands of the UTP and SuperMontage product initiatives, Nasdaq launched a new, higher speed Market Data Network (MDN) for direct-connect data feed subscribers in April 2002. While Nasdaq will continue to support the Intelligent Shared Network II (ISNII) through the third quarter of 2002, this legacy network is subject to queuing at the market peak. Nasdaq, therefore, strongly encourages all direct-connect subscribers to move to the new MDN at the earliest possible date. For MDN ordering information, please refer to Vendor Alert #2002-3.