Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange Trading Operations During The Strike In The Finnish Financial Services Sector

Date 10/12/2009

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki aims at continuing exchange trading operations on the Helsinki Stock Exchange normally during the Finnish financial services sector three-day strike December 14 to 16.

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki has taken actions to ensure that exchange trading and market surveillance operations will continue to function in a proper manner even during the strike. A vital part of well functioning markets is, however, that market participants are able to both trade and also settle their trades in a proper manner. During the strike, market disturbances are possible.

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki will continue to assess market readiness and the strike's possible effects on the ability to arrange exchange trading in a proper manner in close co-operation with Euroclear Finland, Supervisory Authorities, exchange trading members and the central counterparty. Based on this assessment, NASDAQ OMX Helsinki will, if necessary, decide on possible changes in exchange operations and separately inform thereof.