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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NASDAQ OMX Commodities: Members Trading And Clearing Carbon Contracts Are Advised To Open Trading Account And Trusted Account List Arrangements In The EU ETS Union Registry

Date 23/10/2012

With reference to the upgrades of the EU ETS Union Registry (“Union Registry”) that includes the implementation of a new account type (Trading Account) and a Trusted Account List, NASDAQ OMX Commodities (“NOMXC”) advices all Members to open a Trading Account and a Trusted Account list arrangement in the Union Registry. Please see information from the European Commission in the link below:

NOMXC has established a Trading Account and will start the process of implementing a Trusted Account List for all its Members in the Union Registry. This Trusted Account List will secure and simplify transfer of Allowances within the Union Registry. Transfers between Trading Accounts on the NOMXC Trusted Account List are not subject to the 26-hours delay that has been implemented in the Union Registry. The Trusted Account List will be the preferred solution for all Members until the final infrastructure of the External Platform Account solution has been implemented.

NOMXC will request information about the Members’ Trading Account number in the Union Registry for an approval to add the Members Trading Account number to NOMXC Trusted Account List. However, as there will be a delay between approval and the actual addition of the account on the Trusted Account List; the addition to the Trusted Account List will be effective seven days after confirmation.

When all Members have approved NOMXC Trusted Account List, NOMXC will re-set the delivery and settlement procedures from D+5 (Interim rules implemented 9th October 2012) to D+3 for all Allowance Contracts.

NASDAQ OMX Commodities Trading Account number is EU-100-5016825-0-9

Please refer to the FAQ published by the European Commission in relation to Trading Account/Trusted Account List.

Please note that the delivery and settlement procedures continue with D+5 until further confirmation of the implementation of the Trusted Account List.