Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nasdaq Nordic And Baltic Markets Trading Statistics March 2015

Date 01/04/2015

Nasdaq (Nasdaq:NDAQ) today publishes monthly trade statistics for the Nordic1 and Baltic2 markets. Below follows a summary of the statistics for March 2015:

  • The share trading increased by 8.3% to a daily average of 3.538bn EUR, compared to 3.268bn EUR in March 2014. Compared to the previous month, February 2015, the daily average increased by 5.9%.
  • Derivatives trading increased by 2.4% to a daily average of 477,949 contracts, compared with 466,691 contracts in March 2014.
  • ETF trading3 (Exchange Traded Funds) decreased by 9.3% to a daily average of 46.9m EUR compared to 51.7m EUR in March 2014.
  • Nordea Bank AB was the most traded stock during the past month, followed by Novo Nordisk A/S.
  • Deutsche Bank was the most active member during the past month, followed by Morgan Stanley.
  • Nasdaq Nordic’s share of order-book trading in our listed stocks increased to 69.2%, compared to 68.5% previous month4.
  • The average order book depth on the best price level was larger at Nasdaq Nordic than the second most liquid trading venue, see detailed figures per exchange:

           -  For OMXC20 companies 2.7 larger
           -  For OMXH25 companies 2.9 larger
           -  For OMXS30 companies 2.5 larger

  • Nasdaq Nordic’s average time at EBBO5 (European Best Bid and Offer) was:

           -  For OMXC20 companies 95.1%
           -  For OMXH25 companies 92.8%
           -  For OMXS30 companies 94.8%

For more information, please read the monthly statistics report published at:

1) Nasdaq Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland and Stockholm

2) Nasdaq Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius

3) ETF trading figure encompasses Nasdaq Stockholm and Nasdaq Helsinki.

4) Source: Thomson Reuters and Nasdaq. Included are the main European marketplaces that offer  trading in Nasdaq Nordic listed shares.

5) EBBO (European Best Bid and Offer) refers to the current best price available for selling or buying a trading instrument such as a stock.