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Nasdaq MarketSite Unveils The Nasdaq Market Transition

Date 16/01/2001

The Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. announced that it is unveiling at the Nasdaq MarketSite today a new ceremony meant to signify the transition between the official 4:00 p.m. close of the stock market to the beginning of extended trading hours for Nasdaq stocks. Similar to the 9:30 a.m. market open, an invited guest will press the button at 4:00 p.m. which lights up the Nasdaq MarketSite Wall with the ticker and updated graphs displaying extended trading hours information.

Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Lawrence Small and Board Chairman for the Museum of American Financial History, John Herzog will mark this new tradition by being the first persons to press the button at today’s Market Transition ceremony. Secretary Small and Mr. Herzog will also be at the Nasdaq MarketSite to announce the Museum of American Financial History’s affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution and will celebrate the occasion with a signing ceremony and reception at MarketSite.

J. Patrick Campbell, President of Nasdaq U.S., who also attended the ceremony commented, "The creation of the "market transition" symbolizes Nasdaq’s view of an continually evolving marketplace -- one in which a market does not fully close, but allows for extended activity despite an official market closing time. It is representative of our vision for 24-hour, seamless stock trading around the world. We are honored to have Secretary Small and Mr. Herzog be the first to preside over the first Nasdaq Market Transition and wish the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum of American Financial History much success in their affiliation. It is certainly noteworthy that two fine organizations with a tradition of studying history are today making market history."

The Nasdaq Stock Market has a larger dollar volume and trades more shares per day than any other U.S. market. Nasdaq is a subsidiary of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®), the largest securities-industry, self-regulatory organization in the United States. For more information about Nasdaq, visit the Nasdaq Web site at or the Nasdaq NewsroomSM at