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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

MTSGF, PI, KGI, YUANTA, KTX And CAF Win TFEX Best Award 2024 For Outstanding Performance

Date 18/02/2025


  • TFEX announces the “TFEX Best Award 2024”, recognizing member companies for excellence in the areas of investor base expansion, market maker performance and active trading.
  • Six awarded brokers are MTSGF, PI, KGI, YUANTA, KTX and CAF.

The “TFEX Best Award of Honor 2024” is presented to brokers who have demonstrated outstanding excellence in their field for at least three consecutive years. The following three brokers are recipients of this award: MTS Capital Co., Ltd. (MTSGF) in the category of “Market Maker Best Performance,” Pi Securities pcl (PI) in the category of “Active Agent,” and KGI Securities (Thailand) pcl (KGI) for both “Most Active House” and “Active Prop-Trading.”

For “the Best of the Year Award 2024”, PI received the “Most Active House Award” based on its overall transactions, while Yuanta Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (YUANTA) received the “Active Agent Award” based on transactions from retail investors. Krungthai XSpring Securities Co., Ltd. (KTX) was granted the “Popular Agent Award,” recognizing investor expansion, and Classic Ausiris Investment Advisory Securities Co., Ltd. (CAF) won the “Active Prop-Trading Award” for proprietary trading transactions. Additionally, KGI earned the “Market Maker Best Performance Award.”

TFEX Managing Director Rinjai Chakornpipat stated that the annual TFEX Best Awards acknowledge and honor member companies for their excellence and outstanding performance in each area. TFEX believed that the support and cooperation of these companies have been instrumental in driving the growth and development of Thailand's derivatives market. 

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