Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

MTS Deutschland And Euromts Linkers Market List New German Linker

Date 10/03/2006

The MTS Group is pleased to announce that the inaugural German linker was listed on MTS Deutschland and EuroMTS Linkers Market with effect from March 8.

Liquidity for the €5.5 billion 10-year issue linked to euro region consumer prices will be ensured by the support of 16 market makers on MTS Deutschland and 17 market makers on EuroMTS Linkers Market (a total of 20 distinct market makers). In addition, 45 market takers and the German Finanzagentur will participate through MTS Deutschland, while nine market takers will participate through the EuroMTS Linkers Market.

“The inclusion of Germany’s new inflation-linked bond on the MTS markets will serve to enhance liquidity and trading activity and, as such, represents an exceedingly positive development,” said Gianluca Garbi, CEO of EuroMTS.