ICEX will continue to review the list twice each year. The selection will reflect the companies included in the ICEX-15 index, with the exception, however, that a newly listed company (a company listed during the past three months) will have a chance to join this group immediately. In evaluating whether a newly listed company should be included on the most-traded shares list, ICEX will consider the trading volume of its shares, its market capitalisation and the free float.
As of 1 July this year, the group of most-traded shares will fully reflect the selection of the ICEX-15 index, and be comprised of the following 15 companies.
If a company's shares are among the most-traded shares the so-called trading lot for these equities in the ICEX trading system is about double the size of other companies. Trading in smaller amounts is, however, possible, but this has no effect on price formation. It should also be mentioned that the most-traded companies have been encouraged to publish their announcements in English in parallel to their Icelandic publication, to facilitate information flow to foreign investors.