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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Moscow Exchange Announces Results For The Third Quarter Of 2024

Date 25/11/2024

Moscow Exchange (MOEX) today announces its financial results based on summary financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for Q3 2024.

Unless stated otherwise, all figures below refer to performance in Q3 2024 and all comparisons are with the corresponding period last year.


  • Fee and commission (F&C) income amounted to RUB 14.86 bln.
  • Net interest income (NII) was RUB 25.13 bln on the back of a high ruble interest rate environment.
  • Operating income amounted to RUB 40.0 bln.
  • Adjusted net profit was RUB 23.39 bln.


  • Shares of three non-resource companies started trading following IPOs. These companies raised a total of RUB 18.1 bln. One issuer held SPO worth RUB 0.4 bln.
  • The range of derivative contracts expanded with the launch of cash-settled futures contracts on cocoa beans as well as deliverable futures contracts on RASP shares.
  • Six Russian-law ETFs on Russian equities, bonds and money market instruments began trading.
  • Finuslugi clients are now able to screen, compare, analyse and purchase mutual funds on the platform.
  • Moscow Exchange started calculating and publishing the IMOEX index nominated in CNY to make the Russian stock market more familiar and transparent for investors in the Asian region.
  • Moscow Exchange opened a laboratory at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) with access to MOEX Trade Info analytical terminal and courses of the Moscow Exchange School. The laboratory will be used for training sessions as well as scientific and analytical research.


  • Another three companies from non-resource sectors did IPOs, raising a total of RUB 7.0 bln. One issuer held SPO worth RUB 1.5 bln.
  • Number of equities available for trading in CCP-based OTC trading mode reached 135.
  • Four cash-settled futures contracts on non-ferrous and industrial metals as well as perpetual futures contracts on SBER and GAZP shares were launched.
  • The first-of-a-kind issue of digital financial assets (DFA) backed by a work of art was placed on MOEX platform.
  • MOEX expanded the range of precious metals instruments and started trading in platinum and palladium.
  • 34.2 million clients had brokerage accounts on MOEX at the end of October. Nearly 9 million clients have traded MOEX markets since the beginning of the year.
  • Another seven Russian-law ETFs on Russian equities, bonds and money market instruments began trading on MOEX.


  Q3 2024 Q3 2023 YoY Q2 2024 QoQ
Operating Income 40 000.1 25 598.6 56.3% 36 806.7 8.7%
· Fee and commission income 14 864.3 14 365.1 3.5% 15 538.8 -4.3%
· Net interest and other finance income (NII) [1] 25 126.6 11 211.0 124.1% 21 227.1 18.4%
Core NII – NII less realized gains or losses on investment portfolio revaluation [2] 25 094.4 11 467.2 118.8% 21 280.0 17.9%
· Other operating income 9.2 22.5 -59.1% 40.8 -77.5%
Operating Expenses 11 457.5 7 422.5 54.4% 12 464.3 -8.1%
· Personnel expenses 5 748.4 4 275.9 34.4% 7 653.4 -24.9%
· D&A and IT maintenance 2 084.0 1 603.6 30.0% 1 764.8 18.1%
· Remaining general and administrative expenses 3 625.1 1 543.0 134.9% 3 046.1 19.0%
Profit before other operating expenses and tax 28 542.6 18 176.1 57.0% 24 342.4 17.3%
Movement in allowance for expected credit losses (ECLs) -461.2 1 271.1 nm -146.9 nm
Other impairment and provisions 5.9 -60.3 nm - nm
Profit before tax 28 087.3 19 386.9 44.9% 24 195.5 16.1%
Income tax -5 056.7 -5 107.2 -1.0% -4 700.6 7.6%
Net Profit 23 030.6 14 279.7 61.3% 19 494.9 18.1%
Basic earnings per share, RUB 10.17 6.32 60.9% 8.62 18.0%
Net Profit 23 030.6 14 279.7 61.3% 19 494.9 18.1%
· Movements in allowance for ECLs 461.2 -1 271.1 nm 146.9 nm
· Other impairment and provisions -5.9 60.3 nm - nm
· Deferred taxes related to movements in allowance for ECLs and other impairment & provisions -91.1 242.2 nm -29.4 nm
Adjusted Net Profit 23 394.8 13 311.1 75.8% 19 612.4 19.3%
EBITDA 29 537.3 20 576.9 43.5% 25 486.9 15.9%
· Movements in allowance for ECLs 461.2 -1 271.1 nm 146.9 nm
· Other impairment and provisions -5.9 60.3 nm - nm
Adjusted EBITDA 29 992.6 19 366.1 54.9% 25 633.8 17.0%
Adjusted EBITDA margin 75.0% 75.7% -0.7 p.p. 69.6% 5.3 p.p.


  Q3 2024 Q3 2023 YoY Q2 2024 QoQ
General and Administrative Expenses 5 709.1 3 146.6 81.4% 4 810.9 18.7%
· Advertising and marketing costs 1 896.2 332.3 470.6% 1 389.2 36.5%
· Amortisation of intangible assets 1 155.6 966.5 19.6% 1 038.8 11.2%
· Equipment and intangible assets maintenance 634.0 413.6 53.3% 473.4 33.9%
· Taxes, other than income tax 416.6 173.2 140.5% 293.6 41.9%
· Depreciation of property and equipment 294.4 223.5 31.7% 252.6 16.5%
· Agent fees 285.5 189.8 50.4% 264.0 8.1%
· Market makers fees 242.4 171.9 41.0% 215.6 12.4%
· Professional services 240.0 158.3 51.6% 308.7 -22.3%
· Information services 143.1 127.4 12.3% 182.1 -21.4%
· Registrar and foreign depository services 126.8 146.4 -13.4% 170.9 -25.8%
· Rent and office maintenance 101.1 76.5 32.2% 85.4 18.4%
· Charity 52.9 2.1 2419.0% 30.1 75.7%
· Communication services 22.4 24.8 -9.7% 27.9 -19.7%
· Business trip expenses 20.9 7.7 171.4% 25.0 -16.4%
· Security expenses 11.6 8.4 38.1% 11.9 -2.5%
· Transport expenses 7.3 5.9 23.7% 8.5 -14.1%
· Loss on disposal of property, equipment and intangible assets 1.0 0.3 233.3% 0.8 25.0%
· Loss on disposal of subsidiaries - 84.0 n.m. - n.m.
· Other 57.3 34.0 68.5% 32.4 76.9%
Personnel expenses 5 748.4 4 275.9 34.4% 7 653.4 -24.9%
· Employees benefits except for share-based payments 5 239.3 3 579.9 46.4% 3 659.9 43.2%
· Payroll related taxes 923.6 642.5 43.8% 1 184.2 -22.0%
· Share-based payment expense on equity settled instruments -121.9 15.0 -912.7% 219.7 -155.5%
· Share-based payment expense on cash settled instruments -292.6 38.5 -860.0% 2 589.6 -111.3%
Total operating expenses 11 457.5 7 422.5 54.4% 12 464.3 -8.1%
Headcount, employees e-o-p 3 012 2 522 19.4% 2 828 6.5%
  • OPEX for 3Q’24 increased by 54.4%, largely due to the growth in marketing and personnel expenses.
  • Personnel expenses grew by 34.4% due to new hires, selective wage revisions and other factors. LTIP had no contribution to YoY personnel expenses growth.
  • The employee headcount was up 19.4% and 6.5% QoQ. New QoQ hires are primarily related to IT and Finuslugi.
  • The 2.4x increase in taxes, other than income tax, is related to VAT.
  • The 50.4% growth in agent fees reflects insurance sales on the Finuslugi platform.
  • D&A and IT maintenance grew 30.0%, while the D&A added 21.8%. IT maintenance costs increased by 53.3%. The rise in IT maintenance costs is due to the gradual implementation of the software & hardware renewal program.
  • 3Q’24 CAPEX was RUB 1.87 billion. 9M’24 CAPEX amounted to RUB 4.99 billion.


  Q3 2024 Q3 2023 YoY Q2 2024 QoQ
Equities Market          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 2 640.8 2 395.2 10.3% 2 392.7 10.4%
Trading volumes, RUB bln 8 782.0 7 930.7 10.7% 7 729.5 13.6%
Bond Market          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 1 054.1 845.5 24.7% 899.1 17.2%
Trading volumes (ex. overnight bonds), RUB bln 5 633.4 4 716.0 19.5% 5 033.3 11.9%
Money Market          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 3 762.9 3 187.1 18.1% 3 820.7 -1.5%
Trading volumes, RUB bln 280 638.3 218 359.4 28.5% 247 690.0 13.3%
Derivatives Market          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 2 145.2 1 839.1 16.6% 2 244.9 -4.4%
Trading volumes, RUB bln 24 387.0 24 158.1 0.9% 23 204.1 5.1%
Other markets          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 938.8 2 068.8 -54.6% 1 785.3 -47.4%
Trading volumes, RUB bln 50 539.4 93 888.5 -46.2% 77 903.2 -35.1%
Depository and Settlement Services          
Fee and commission income, RUB mln 2 430.7 2 522.5 -3.6% 2 541.4 -4.4%
Average assets under custody, RUB bln 79 675.7 76 817.8 3.7% 81 072.3 -1.7%
Other fee and commission income (IT Services, Listing, Marketplace and other), RUB mln 1 891.8 1 506.9 25.5% 1 854.7 2.0%
Information services, RUB mln 211.4 365.3 -42.1% 336.3 -37.1%
Sale of software and tech. services, RUB mln 444.1 401.7 10.6% 439.0 1.2%
Listing and other services, RUB mln 216.3 175.6 23.2% 195.3 10.8%
Financial marketplace services, RUB mln 780.7 456.4 71.1% 656.3 19.0%
Other fee income, RUB mln 239.3 107.9 121.8% 227.8 5.0%
Net interest and other finance income          
Net interest and other finance income, RUB mln 25 126.6 11 211.0 124.1% 21 227.1 18.4%
Investment portfolio, RUB bln 2 673.9 2 500.3 6.9% 3 006.9 -11.1%
  • The total market capitalization of the Equities Market at the end of the third quarter of 2024 was RUB 53.61 trln. Fees from the Equities Market grew by 10.3% on the back of a similar increase in trading volumes, which gained 10.7%. Over 3.8 million clients were active every month during the quarter.
  • Fees and commissions from the Bond Market grew 24.7% on the back of an increase in trading volumes (excluding overnight bonds) of 19.5%, which was largely driven by the elevated primary market activity. The effective fee improved due to a higher share of primary market in total trading volumes. Primary market trading volumes (excluding overnight bonds) went up 37.1%, while the secondary trading volumes increased by just 1.5%. The supply of floating-rate issues propped up the primary market. However, floating-rate bonds have a lower trading velocity in the secondary market compared to fixed-rate bonds. Secondary trading of OFZs was down 26.4%; other bonds’ volumes were up 39.6%.
  • Money Market fee income improved by 18.1% while trading volumes added 28.5%. The discrepancy between fees and volumes was mainly attributable to the increase of less marginable non-CCP repo and deposit segments’ share in the volumes’ mix. The effective fee was also negatively affected by the decrease in average overall on-exchange repo terms. The GCC repo segment benefits from the rising demand for Russian-law money market ETFs. More than 1 million clients have already invested in Russian-law money market ETFs.
  • Fee income from the Depository and Settlement Services was down 3.6%. Average value of assets under custody grew by 3.7%. The discrepancy between growth rates of fee income and assets on deposit is the result of business lines beyond safekeeping, primarily clearing and collateral management services, which reflect repo operations at the NSD. These two lines demonstrated negative performance, which was only partially compensated by the increase in safekeeping fee income.
  • Derivatives Market fees grew by 16.6%, trading volumes barely changed, adding just 0.9%. The volumes’ mix changed towards higher value-added derivative contracts on commodities and equities, which had a positive effect on the effective fee. Specifically, commodity derivatives’ volumes surged by 85.2%. The volumes of single-stock contracts improved by 28.1%. On the other hand, FX derivative contracts decreased by 31.8% in trading volumes.
  • Information sales decreased by 42.1%. Sales of software and technical services were up by 10.6% because of a rise in demand for these products. Listing and other services increased by 23.2% as activity on the primary bond and equities markets remained strong during the quarter. Finuslugi revenues improved by 71.1% to RUB 780.7 mln with deposit segment performing particularly well. Other fee income grew by 121.8% on the back of the NCC tariff model update related to precious metals market as well as launch of new products.
  • The cash position[3] at the end of Q3 2024 was RUB 127.04 bln. The company had no debt as of the end of the quarter.
  • Capex for the quarter was RUB 1.87 bln, mostly spent on purchases of software and equipment as well as software development.

Moscow Exchange’s summary consolidated IFRS financial statements for Q3 2024 are available in the Investor Relations section of the company's web site.

Read more on the Moscow Exchange:

[1] Calculated as the sum of interest income calculated using the effective interest method, other interest income, gains/losses on FVTPL, gains/losses on FVTOCI, foreign currencies & precious metals gains less losses minus interest expense.
[2] Calculated as the sum of interest income calculated using the effective interest method, other interest income, gains/losses on FVTPL, foreign currencies & precious metals gains less losses less interest expense (compared to net interest and other finance income, excludes gains/losses on FVTOCI).
[3] Cash position is calculated as the sum of Cash and cash equivalents, Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, Due from financial institutions, Financial assets at fair value though other comprehensive income, Investment financial assets at amortised cost, Current tax prepayments and Other financial assets less Balances of market participants, Overnight bank loans, Distributions payable to holders of securities, Margin account, Liabilities related to assets held for sale, Current tax payables and Other financial liabilities.

Read more on the Moscow Exchange: