Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Morgan Stanley Starts As A Trading Member Of HEX

Date 05/12/2001

Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited ("Morgan Stanley") will start as a trading member of HEX on December 7, 2001. Morgan Stanley will trade in the HETI trading system from London as a remote member.

Commenting on the membership at HEX, Jerker Johansson, Chief Operating Officer of Institutional Equities at Morgan Stanley in Europe, said: "We are very pleased to have been accepted as a remote member of Helsinki Exchanges. This Membership reinforces Morgan Stanley's long-standing commitment to the Finnish Market and, more broadly, to the Nordic region, where we already hold a number of exchange memberships."

Jouni Torasvirta, Executive Vice President, says it is a great pleasure to welcome Morgan Stanley as a member of HEX. He says: "The increasing number of members enhances the liquidity and transparency of the marketplace in Helsinki."

Morgan Stanley is a global financial services firm and a market leader in securities, asset management and credit services.

HEX is a growing, international company that operates the national securities and derivatives exchange and the central securities depository in Finland. Furthermore, HEX offers specialised securities and information services for the markets. Including Morgan Stanley, HEX now has 38 Cash Market Trading Members. Of them 20 are remote members trading from abroad.