Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Montréal Exchange: Trading Volume Grows A Record 41% In 2006

Date 10/01/2007

Montréal Exchange: Trading Volume Grows A Record 41% In 2006

The Montréal Exchange (MX) reported today that its total trading volume increased 41.3% in 2006, compared to the previous year, to reach a record 40.5 million contracts.

“Trading activity on the Canadian financial derivatives market reached exceptional levels in 2006,” said Luc Bertrand, President and CEO of the Montréal Exchange. “We registered a record increase in trading volume of 41%. As a result, the annual compound growth rate in total contracts traded on the MX reached 26% over the last five years. This performance demonstrates clearly that the Montréal Exchange is offering Canadian and foreign investors access to a dynamic, world-class financial derivatives market.”

The MX’s two flagship futures contracts – the Three-Month Canadian Bankers’ Acceptance Futures (BAX) and the Ten-Year Government of Canada Bond Futures (CGB) – registered increases on trading volume of 50% and 64% respectively in 2006. This performance placed both the BAX and the CGB among the fastest growing futures contracts in the world, for the second year in a row.

Trading in the SXF, the S&P Canada 60 Index Future contract also grew rapidly, with volume increasing 37% compared with the level for 2005. Trading volume in options and ETF increased by 22%, the fastest rate since 2003.

For a detailed analysis of trading activity on the Montréal Exchange, please refer to the MX Market Review for 2006 at

For a detailed analysis of trading volumes, please refer to the MX Statistical Report for December 2006 at

About the Montréal Exchange
The Montréal Exchange is Canada’s oldest exchange and continues to be the leader in derivative products. The Montréal Exchange offers individual and institutional investors, both in Canada and abroad, a wide range of risk management products for protecting their investments and ensuring growth. The Montréal Exchange is fully electronic and its services include: trading, training, market information, market operations and regulations as well as information technology solutions. The Montréal Exchange, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, the Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation ("CDCC"), provides central counterparty clearing services for Montréal Exchange listed products. The Montréal Exchange is also a significant shareholder of the Boston Options Exchange (BOX), a U.S. automated equity options exchange whose technical operations are ensured by the Montréal Exchange. In July 2006, the Montréal Exchange and the Chicago Climate Exchange®, announced the joint creation of the Montréal Climate Exchange (MCeX), the first organized market in Canada for environment-related financial products. For more information, please visit