Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Monthly Statistics Stockholmsbörsen May 2003

Date 02/06/2003

  • As of May 5, the Pfizer Inc. shares are traded on the Xternal list, i.e. the new list for non-Swedish shares.
Share trading

The average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 9 072 million during May (during the past 12-month period: 8 925). In April 2003 the average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 9 272 million. The average number of closed transactions per business day has been 33 623 during May (during the past 12-month period: 39 148). The turnover rate during May was 124% (during the past 12-month period: 121%).

Derivative trading

Average derivative trading turnover (Swedish share and interest-rate related contracts) amounted during May to 241 913 contracts (during the past 12-month period 255 415) per business day. The average derivative trading turnover amounted during April to 301 409 per business day. The average number of contracts in share-related derivative products amounted during May to 220 095 contracts (during the past 12-month period 231 343) per business day, while the average number of contracts in interest-rate related derivative products amounted during May to 21 818 contracts (during the past 12-month period 24 072) per business day. The total value of trade in stock options amounted for May to SEK 32.5 (during the past 12-month 50.5) million per day. The total value of trade in stocks options amounted for April to SEK 40.2 million per day.

Warrants trading

The average warrants trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 20 232 thousand during May (during the past 12-month period: 24 281). In April 2003 the average warrants trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 24 054 thousand.

Index developments

The OMX index decreased during May by 1.4% and closed on 514.5 (30 April 2003: 521.9). The Benchmark index closed on 179.3 as of 30 May (30 April 2003: 181.1), which is a decrease of 1.0%. The SX All-share index (the SAX index) closed on 154.2 (30 April 2003: 155.1), which corresponds to a decrease of 0.6% during the month. The Utilities Index increased most during the month and closed on 165.7 (30 April 2003: 155.0), which is an increase of 6.9%. The Industrials Index decreased most during the month and closed on 135.9 (30 April 2003: 141.5), which is a decrease of 3.9%.



During May, one company has been delisted from the A-list and one company has been delisted from the O-list. Futhermore, as of May 5 the Pfizer Inc. shares are traded on the Xternal list, i.e. the new list for non-Swedish shares. The number of listed companies on Stockholmsbörsen (incl. Xternal list) is 286, of which 58 are listed on the A-list and 227 on the O-list. Total market value for the companies on the A-list amounts to SEK 1 427 billion, and on the O-list to SEK 415 billion. Total market value ( incl. Xternal list) amounted to SEK 1 849 billion as of 30 May 2003 (30 April 2003: 1 858).


During May, 13 new bonds have been registered on the SOX-list and 8 new bonds have been registered on the Monthly list of bonds.


During May, 75 new warrants have been listed.

Market Surveillance

Stockholmsbörsen has in May referred three cases of suspected illegal insider trading to the Financial Supervisory Authority. Trading halts have been initiated in four companies.

Furthermore, Stockholmsbörsen has directed serious criticism against a company for breaching of the listing agreement with the Exchange. The breach of agreement occurred when the Chairman of the company's Board, in an interview with a daily newspaper, provided information of the type that could have an effect on the price of company's shares, without the prior public disclosure of the information in accordance with the listing agreement.

Stockholmsbörsen has decided to bring back a company from the Observation segment of the A-list, to its regular place on the A-list. The company's financial situation is no longer a reason to place the company on the Observation segment.