Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Monthly Statistics Stockholmsbörsen March 2003

Date 01/04/2003

Share trading

The average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 7 875 million during March (during the past 12-month period: 9 428). In February 2003 the average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 8 779 million. The average number of closed transactions per business day has been 33 534 during March (during the past 12-month period: 39 079). The turnover rate during March was 114% (during the past 12-month period:120%).

Derivative trading

Average derivative trading turnover (Swedish share and interest-rate related contracts) amounted during March to 256 123 contracts (during the past 12-month period 245 709) per business day. The average derivative trading turnover amounted during February to 244 285 per business day. The average number of contracts in share-related derivative products amounted during March to 216 824 contracts (during the past 12-month period 221 540) per business day, while the average number of contracts in interest-rate related derivative products amounted during March to 39 299 contracts (during the past 12-month period 24 169) per business day. The total value of trade in stock options amounted for March to SEK 36.1 (during the past 12-month 59.0) million per day. The total value of trade in stocks options amounted for February to SEK 53.5 million per day.

Warrants trading

The average warrants trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 22 030 thousand during March (during the past 12-month period: 24 099). In February 2003 the average warrants trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 19 192 thousand.

Index developments

The OMX index decreased during March by 2.6% and closed on 457.8 (28 February 2003: 470.0). The Benchmark index closed on 156.3 as of 31 March (28 February 2003: 158.4), which is a decrease of 1.3%. The SX All- share index (the SAX index) closed on 138.2 (28 February 2003: 141.4), which corresponds to a decrease of 2.3% during the month. The Health Care Index increased most during the month and closed on 139.3 (28 February 2003: 134.1), which is an increase of 3.9%. The Telecommunication Services Index decreased most during the month and closed on 363.6 (28 February 2003: 407.4), which is a decrease of 10.8 %.

Listed companies

During March, two companies have been delisted from the O-list. The number of listed companies on Stockholmsbörsen is 294, of which 62 are listed on the A-list and 232 on the O-list. Total market value for the companies on the A-list amounts to SEK 1 278 billion, and on the O-list to SEK 392 billion. Total market value thereby amounted to SEK 1 670 billion as of 31 March 2003 (28 February 2003: 1 729).

Market Surveillance

Stockholmsbörsen has referred four cases of suspected illegal insider trading to the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Stockholmsbörsen's Disciplinary Committee ruled one company to pay a fine equivalent to two years of listing fees for breaching the listing agreement. The Committee also issued rulings in three other cases resulting in warnings since information from the companies had been available on the Internet before the information had been made public according to the listing agreement.

The shares of Capinordic A/S have been placed at the Observation segment of the O-list.