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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Minneapolis Grain Exchange And Rolfe & Nolan Announce Frontier And ADM Investor Services Live On MGEX API

Date 16/05/2003

The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) and Rolfe & Nolan Systems Inc. today announced order routing connectivity to the MGEX for Rolfe & Nolan clients Frontier Futures, Inc. and ADM Investor Services, Inc. The announcement comes on the heels of a recent agreement between Rolfe & Nolan and MGEX, which supplies licensing of MGEXpress®, the MGEX electronic trading platform, to Rolfe & Nolan's entire RANorder client base for no license or installation fees. RANorder is Rolfe & Nolan's fully automated white label order entry and management system supporting retail and professional trade entry, pre-trade order risk control, and transaction routing to open outcry and electronic markets.

"Rolfe & Nolan and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange provided us a smooth, cost-effective entry into the MGEX electronic trading environment," said Ted Johnson, compliance director for Frontier Futures, Inc., which purchased the RANorder system in November of 2002. "For companies of modest size like ours, it means a lot to be able to stay up-to-date with the most current exchange APIs without the burden of additional licensing fees."

"Our ASP business model is designed to provide the latest exchange interfaces to our clients for the least possible cost," said Jim Birney, chief financial officer at Rolfe & Nolan. "Our agreement with the Minneapolis Grain Exchange puts that philosophy into practice. Rolfe & Nolan is the first solution provider to write to the Minneapolis Exchange API, and has done so with no new costs to clients."