Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Updated Interface Specifications For MEI & MEO

Date 30/04/2024

MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options, MIAX Emerald Options and MIAX Sapphire Options Exchanges have published updated MIAX Express Interface (MEI) and MIAX Express Orders (MEO) interface specifications requiring Client Message IDs to be unique. Updated version numbers are as follows:

  1. MIAX Options Exchanges (MIAX)
    1. MIAX Express Interface (MEI) v2.10a
  2. MIAX Emerald Options Exchange (Emerald)
    1. MIAX Express Interface (MEI) v2.2a
  3. MIAX Pearl Options Exchange (Pearl)
    1. MIAX Express Orders (MEO) v2.1a
  4. MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange (Sapphire)
    1. MIAX Express Orders (MEO) v1.1d

Additional details can be found in the MIAX Options Interface SpecificationsMIAX Pearl Options Interface SpecificationsMIAX Emerald Options Interface Specifications or MIAX Sapphire Options Interface Specifications.

For further information, please contact MIAX Trading Operations at  or (609) 897-7302.