Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Mexican IPC Index ETF "iShare NAFTARC" Listed On Spain's LATIBEX Exchange

Date 24/11/2009

BGI IShares listed it’s Mexican ETF (TRAC) NAFTRAC on the Spanish LATIBEX exchange on November 19th, 2009.

This is the first time a Mexican traded TRAC is listed abroad. It marks a significant recognition of the Mexican financial markets and in particular for BMV – Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) the Mexican Stock Exchange in it’s international expansion.

The NAFTRAC tracks the top 35 traded Mexican stocks according to the BMV IPC index. The TRAC was listed on April 16th, 2002 and was the first such instrument to be listed in Mexico and Latin America, and has become one of the most traded instruments in Mexico’s Stock Exchange.

Barclays Global Investors (BGI) Mexico, is underwriting and listing the TRAC on LATIBEX in Madrid, Spain.

Note: TRAC (Títulos Referenciados a Acciones) are the Mexican equivalent for ETF’s traded on the stock exchange and issued by BGI IShare Mexico.

Note: BMV IPC tracks companies of global influence like WalMex, FEMSA (CocaCola), Telmex, Modelo, CEMEX, Bimbo, AMX, Bolsa and others with global operations and revenues.