Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Mercado Alternativo Bursátil Companies Amount To 1,000

Date 13/11/2006

The number of companies listed on the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB) has increased to up to 1,000 after the incorporation of 50 SICAVs on Friday, November 10th.

Currently 1,003 SICAVs are traded on the market, which offers companies an electronic trading system as well as the subsequent post-trading and book-entry systems, the latter managed by Iberclear.

Practically all the managing entities that work in Spain with this kind of companies have SICAVs listed on the MAB or have applied for it. Filings for applications to list have increased at a quick rate over the past month.

Investors can choose between buying and selling shares based on their net asset value, posted by the managing entity on a daily basis, or channel their orders to a fixing facility so that they are added to other investors’ positions.

MAB offers SICAVs savings of as much as 50% in relation to floor trading.