Within this section you can find the most relevant information of the mentioned market, like real time quotes with the choice of exporting the data into Excel, or an option valuation program specially designed to monitor the options market of MEFF in real time, allowing the comparison between firm market prices and theoretical price, whilst also automatically providing the corresponding implied volatilities and deltas.
A file is automatically provided every day in the “Parameter Downloading” menu, containing the dividend data (dates and amounts), the volatility curves of each underlying, the interest rate that is applied in the link, etc., all of which is automatically loaded in the program. THESE DATA ARE USED BY MEFF FOR THE CALCULATION OF MARGINS AT THE CLOSE OF THE MARKET OF THE PREVIOUS DAY BUT NEED NOT COINCIDE WITH THE DATA THAT THE MARKET FREELY ESTIMATES. The dividends, amounts and dates that are provided in the file are either those already confirmed by each entity or, in their absence, the historical dividends of the companies. The volatility curve (skew) data reflect the differences in volatility in the gap between the exercise prices for each underlying.
This application is provided free of charge. It is a valuation tool for which MEFF assumes no liability. It is a program in Excel that runs in real time with links to the information system of each quote vendor.
MEFF and the vendor shall not be held responsible for whether the application works correctly or the accuracy of the data generated. The user is free to alter the data provided daily with his own estimates.