MEFF Turnover Nears One Million Contracts In October
Date 09/11/1999
Trading on MEFF Holding in October totalled 942.122 contracts. This equals a daily average of 47.106 contracts.
MEFF Renta Fija traded 225.933 contracts. A daily average of 11.297 contracts. Average daily trading for the first ten months of the year stands at 1.561 million euro (259.728 million pesetas).
The exchange closed on 30 September with an OI of 21.988 contracts.
MEFF Renta Variable traded 716.189 contracts, a daily average of 35.809 contracts. This brings the total for the first ten months of the year to 10.566.367 contracts.
IBEX-35 futures traded 358.106 contracts in September, a daily average of 17.905 contracts. IBEX-35 options traded 88.039 contracts, a daily average of 4.402 contracts.
A total of 270.044 share options were traded in September, a daily average of 13.502 contracts.
The exchange closed on 29 October with an Open Interest of 2.227.396 contracts.
The Euro-Globex EURIBOR contract traded 101,461 contracts, a daily average of 4,831 and closed the month with an Open Interest of 70,366 contracts.