MEFF Holding trades 1,148,187 contracts in May
Date 10/06/1999
MEFF Holding trading volume in May reached 1,148,187 contracts, an average daily volume of 54,675 contracts. MEFF Renta Fija traded 333,570 contracts in May. Daily volume stood at 15,884 contracts, and average daily nominal turnover for the year to date is EUR1,897 million (ESP314,902 million). Open interest at the end of May was 26,163 contracts. MEFF Renta Variable traded 814,617 contracts in May. Average daily volume during the month was 38,791 contracts , and the average daily nominal turnover for the year to date is EUR2,623 million (ESP435,418 million).
IBEX-35 futures traded 415,315 contracts in May, a daily average of 19,777 contracts. IBEX-35 options traded 63,925 contracts, a daily average of 3,044 contracts.
Equity options traded 335,377 contracts in May, a daily average of 15,970 contracts. The most heavily traded option was TELEFONICA, with 74,868 contracts, equivalent to 7,486,800 shares. Open interest at the end of May totalled 1,007,145 contracts.
The EURIBOR contract traded on the Euro-GLOBEX platform (MEFF RENTA FIJA and MATIF) traded a total of 240,351 contracts in May, with a daily average of 11,834 contracts and an open position at the end of the month of 109,853 contracts.
The Spanish BONO-10 has just become available to French members via the Euro-GLOBEX electronic platform, whilst Spanish members have started trading on the French Euro Notionnel futures contract. The cross-exchange listing of these two contracts is another step in the Euro-GLOBEX project - giving the members of both exchanges access to a greater number of contracts.