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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Meeting Of The Oslo Stock Exchange Board On 17 October 2000

Date 17/10/2000

Fast, Norkom and Northern Offshore Limited are to be listed. The Stock Exchange Board has approved the listing of shares in Fast Search & Transfer ASA on the Main List, and the shares in Norkom ASA and Northern Offshore Limited on the SMB-list of the Oslo Stock Exchange.

About the new companies:

This decision is conditional on the company carrying out its planned new issue and on the production of an approved new listing prospectus. The first day for listing is to be determined by the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange with the proviso that this must be no later than 1 December 2000.

The Stock Exchange Board also approved the listing of shares in Norkom ASA on the SMB List of the Oslo Stock Exchange. This decision is conditional on the production of an approved new listing prospectus. The first day for listing is to be determined by the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange with the proviso that this must be no later than 13 November 2000.

CanArgo and Natural transferred to the Main List

The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to approve applications by two companies for the listing of their shares to be transferred as follows: CanArgo Energy Corporation from the SMB List to the Main List

The first day for listing on the Main List is to be determined by the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange. Natural ASA from the SMB List to the Main List

The first day for listing on the Main List will be 1 November 2000.

Provida, Avenir, Simrad Optronics and Dyno to be removed from listing

The Stock Exchange Board resolved to remove shares in Provida, Avenir, Simrad Optronics and Dyno from listing. The last day of listing for shares in Dyno will be 18 October. The last day of listing for shares in the other companies is to be 10 November.

The Oslo Stock Exchange moves to further improve market transparency. The Stock Exchange Board resolved to amend the trading rules for equity instruments to the effect that information on which investment firm was involved in completed and recorded trades shall now be made publicly available. The appropriate changes will come into force on such date as the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange may determine.

The three new companies:

Fast Search & Transfer ASA

Fast Search & Transfer ASA (FAST) develops and markets search, real-time filtering and multimedia solutions for the wired and wireless Internet and corporate markets. The company’s goal is to become the leading provider of software applications and services to retrieve and deliver information. The amount of information available to both individuals and companies is increasing exponentially, as are the number of different devices that can deliver this information; FAST has the technology to handle the resulting scale and complexity and give users an effective and rewarding interactive experience.

The company´s products include the world´s largest and most scalable search engines, flexible high-capacity real-time filter engines and state-of-the-art image and video compression. FAST works with market leading companies including Dell, Deutsche Telecom (Jazztel), Exodus, KPNQwest, Lycos, Looksmart, Tibco Software, Telenor and WorldOnline. The company´s registered office is in Oslo and research and development operations are based in Oslo and Trondheim. It’s Operations data centres are in Massachusetts and California USA and a third is being built in London UK. FAST also has offices in Porsgrunn and Tromsø as well as in the UK and US. At the end of September 2000 FAST employed 222 people.

Norkom ASA

Norkom ASA is one of the leading Internet trading companies in the Nordic countries with the Internet shops and Norkom sells computers, system components and related digital equipment. In addition to Internet sales, the company has significant positions within both distribution and the retail-store market in Norway. The turnover in 1999 was NOK 314M with a gross result of NOK 10M. For 1HY 2000 Internet sales represented NOK 67,6M, a growth factor of 118% compared with 1HY 1999. The main office is in Sandefjord.

Northern Offshore Ltd.

Northern Offshore Ltd. (”NOLTD”) is a Bermuda based company that has acquired the oil service business that was formerly owned and operated by Northern Offshore ASA (”NOASA”, to be renamed Northern Oil ASA). NOASA has been listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since January 1998. In connection with the transfer of the business, all shareholders of NOASA as per 20 September 2000 received one share of NOLTD for each share they held in NOASA on that date, thereby creating two companies with identical shareholder structures.

NOLTD focuses on offshore exploration and production drilling as well as floating production. At present, the company owns five offshore units, of which one is a floating production unit, one is a semisubmersible drilling rig, and three are drillships. The company intends to expand within its segments.