ABG Sundal Collier Norge ASA admitted as a new member
The Board resolved to admit ABG Sundal Collier Norge ASA as a member of Oslo Børs, with the right to participate in official quotation and trading for shares, bonds and derivatives. ABG Sundal Collier Norge ASA is the result of a merger between ABG Securities ASA and Sundal Collier & Co ASA. The latter two firms will cease to be members from such date as the merger comes into effect.
The President of Oslo Børs is authorised to determine the date and practical arrangements for membership to come into effect. Membership cannot come into effect until the necessary agreements have been completed for the member to participate in Norwegian securities clearing. The new member will also be required to enter into the Standard Membership Agreement for members of Oslo Børs and the Oslo Børs Standard Agreement for connection to the trading systems for equity instruments, bonds and interest rate derivatives.
PA Resources AB - New timetable for listing
The Board resolved at its previous meeting held on 21 August of this year to admit shares in PA Resources AB to listing. The first day of listing was to be no later than 20 September 2001. At its meeting today the Board resolved to agree to the company's request for a deferral of this deadline. The resolution passed today authorises the President of Oslo Børs to determine the first day of listing, but with the proviso that this must now be no later than 12 October 2001.