MCX copper contracts on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 recorded the highest-ever turnover since their launch on June 4, 2004. Turnover of all copper contracts on Wednesday was Rs 3,796.38 crore, which was 32.08 per cent of the total Exchange turnover of Rs 11,833.73 crore clocked on that day. Open interest was 13,877 metric tonnes (mt) and the turnover in volume terms was 1,12,362 mt. The previous highest turnover of Rs 2,937.31 crore was recorded a day earlier, on Tuesday, which was 27.84 per cent of the total turnover of Rs 10,547.13 crore clocked on that day. Open interest on Tuesday was 12,475 mt and the turnover (volume) was 87,735 mt.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
MCX Copper Contracts Record Highest-Ever Turnover Of Rs 3,796.38 Crore
Date 12/04/2007