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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Correction: Market Cap Segment Review At Nasdaq Nordic Exchanges

Date 19/12/2024

Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) reports that the annual review of its Nordic market capitalization (market cap) segments is completed. The revision is based on the average market cap value in November 2024. Together with indexes and sector classifications, the market cap segmentation is a tool to increase visibility for companies listed on Nasdaq’s exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Iceland.

In the previous press release this morning Modern Times Group MTG AB series ser. B was missing from the list. Also in the later correction, the stock exchange in the last seven companies was mistakenly marked Iceland instead of Denmark. Please find the correct list below.

Effective January 2, 2025, the following 31 companies will change segment: 8 companies will change to a larger segment, while 23 companies will change to a smaller segment.

Name Current Segment New Segment Exchange
engcon AB ser. B Mid Cap Large Cap STOCKHOLM
OEM International AB ser. B Mid Cap Large Cap STOCKHOLM
Granges AB Mid Cap Large Cap STOCKHOLM
Modern Times Group MTG AB ser. A Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Modern Times Group MTG AB ser. B Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Dios AB Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Ratos AB ser. A Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Ratos AB ser. B Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Creades AB ser. A Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Arjo AB ser. B Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Instalco AB Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Samhällsbyggnadsb. i Norden AB B Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Samhällsbyggnadsb. i Norden AB D Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Intrum AB Large Cap Mid Cap STOCKHOLM
Mangold AB Mid Cap Small Cap STOCKHOLM
Garo AB Mid Cap Small Cap STOCKHOLM
G5 Entertainment AB Mid Cap Small Cap STOCKHOLM
Catena Media Mid Cap Small Cap STOCKHOLM
Brim hf. Large Cap Mid Cap ICELAND
Revenio Group Corporation Large Cap Mid Cap HELSINKI
Citycon Oyj Large Cap Mid Cap HELSINKI
Rapala VMC Corporation Mid Cap Small Cap HELSINKI
Tecnotree Corporation Mid Cap Small Cap HELSINKI
United Bankers Oyj Small Cap Mid Cap HELSINKI
Skjern Bank Small Cap Mid Cap COPENHAGEN
Djurslands Bank Small Cap Mid Cap COPENHAGEN
PARKEN Sport & Entertainment Small Cap Mid Cap COPENHAGEN
Flügger group A/S B Mid Cap Small Cap COPENHAGEN
Gyldendal A Mid Cap Small Cap COPENHAGEN
Gyldendal B Mid Cap Small Cap COPENHAGEN
Green Hydrogen Systems A/S Mid Cap Small Cap COPENHAGEN

About the Market Cap Segments

Companies belong to a market cap segment (Small-, Mid- and Large Cap) based on their average market value during the given review month. Each segment is reviewed annually based on the average market cap in November with adjustments taking effect in January the following year. The market cap calculations are based on the total number of shares, i.e., both listed and non-listed shares, of a company. Companies with a market value exceeding EUR 1 billion are in the group of “Large Cap”, while companies with a market value between EUR 150 million and EUR 1 billion belong to the “Mid Cap” segment. Companies with a market value smaller than EUR 150 million belong to “Small Cap”.

12-month transitional period

Companies whose market cap has moved outside the reference values for their current classification are moved between segments according to the following rule: If their market cap is less than 50 percent of the minimum or more than 150 percent of the maximum threshold of their current segments they are transferred into a new segment with immediate effect. On the other hand, if their market cap is greater than 50 percent of the minimum or less than 150 percent of the maximum threshold of their current segment, they are subject to a transitional period and thus one more review before transferring into a new segment. Hence, based on the EUR 1 billion Large Cap and EUR 150 million Mid Cap thresholds, a Large Cap company whose market cap value has not fallen below EUR 500 million, and a Mid-cap company whose market cap value has not fallen below EUR 75 million, are subject to a second review before moving down to the new segment. Similarly, a Mid Cap company whose market cap value has not exceeded EUR 1.5 billion and a Small-cap company whose market cap value has not exceeded EUR 225 million, are subject to a second review before moving up to the new segment.