Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Lån & Spar Bank - New Member Of The Copenhagen Stock Exchange

Date 10/09/2001

Lån & Spar Bank has become a member of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange and begins trading on Tuesday 11 September. Lån & Spar Bank is the ninth new member, which the Copenhagen Stock Exchange welcomes this year, and there are now 48 active members on the Exchange.

Lån & Spar Bank is a bank for private customers established in 1880. The bank has approximately 320 employees and 12 counselling centres in Denmark. In addition, the bank offers internet banking via Lån & Spar NEXTbank.

Through membership of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Lån & Spar Bank wishes to promote the trading in securities for private customers.

President and CEO Hans-Ole Jochumsen says: "In an increasingly internationalised financial community it is gratifying to see that the Exchange can still attract new Danish members."