Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

LSEG: Result Of AGM

Date 25/04/2024

All resolutions proposed at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 25 April 2024 were passed by shareholders. 
Resolutions 1 – 20 were passed as Ordinary Resolutions and Resolutions 21 – 25 as Special Resolutions.

London Stock Exchange Group plc Annual General Meeting Poll Results:

% OF
1.       To receive the annual report and accounts 448,421,981 99.99






2.        To declare and pay a dividend 448,668,368 100.00 17,681 0.00 448,686,049 83.56% 20,112
3.  To approve the Annual Report on Remuneration and the annual statement of the Chair of the Remuneration Committee 437,331,831 97.48 11,316,907 2.52 448,648,738 83.55% 57,422
4.        To approve the Directors’ Remuneration Policy 399,211,048 88.99 49,413,030 11.01 448,624,078 83.55% 82,082
5.        To re-elect Dominic Blakemore as a Director 439,613,043 98.00 8,990,298 2.00 448,603,341 83.54% 81,820
6.        To re-elect Martin Brand as a Director 429,354,266 95.70 19,270,260 4.30 448,624,526 83.55% 60,635
7.        To re-elect Professor Kathleen DeRose as a Director 440,240,398 98.13 8,380,752 1.87 448,621,150 83.55% 64,011
8.        To re-elect Tsega Gebreyes as a Director 440,947,215 98.29 7,669,556 1.71 448,616,771 83.54% 68,390
9.        To re-elect Scott Guthrie as a Director 431,185,240 96.11 17,453,393 3.89 448,638,633 83.55% 46,528
10.      To re-elect Cressida Hogg CBE as a Director 440,870,614 98.27 7,772,825 1.73 448,643,439 83.55% 41,722
11.      To re-elect Dr Val Rahmani as a Director 440,875,132 98.27 7,763,629 1.73 448,638,761 83.55% 46,400
12.      To re-elect Don Robert as a Director 427,931,266 95.77 18,901,295 4.23 446,832,561 83.21% 1,852,600
13.      To re-elect David Schwimmer as a Director 444,614,920 99.11 3,993,014 0.89 448,607,934 83.54% 77,227
14.      To re-elect William Vereker as a Director  438,906,788 97.83 9,732,772 2.17 448,639,560 83.55% 45,601
15.      To elect Michel-Alain Proch as a Director 442,212,083 98.57 6,427,030 1.43 448,639,113 83.55% 46,048
16.      To appoint Deloitte LLP as auditors 447,793,799 99.80 881,063 0.20 448,674,862 83.56% 31,299
17.      To authorise the Audit Committee to approve the auditor's remuneration 448,563,659 99.98 74,031 0.02 448,637,690 83.55% 47,471
18.      To renew the Directors' authority to allot shares 433,372,241 96.60 15,236,902 3.40 448,609,143 83.54% 97,016
19.      To authorise the Company to make political donations and incur political expenditure 443,322,080 98.83 5,260,337 1.17 448,582,417 83.54% 102,744
20.      To approve the Equity Incentive Plan 431,113,331 96.11 17,456,676 3.89 448,570,007 83.54% 136,153
21.      To disapply pre-emption rights in respect of an allotment of equity securities for cash 423,888,710 94.58 24,275,990 5.42 448,164,700 83.46% 520,459
22.      To disapply pre-emption rights in respect of a further allotment of equity securities for cash, for the purposes of financing a transaction 418,816,525 93.54 28,906,917 6.46 447,723,442 83.38% 982,716
23.      To grant the Directors authority to purchase the Company's own shares 444,560,714 99.13 3,890,548 0.87 448,451,262 83.51% 254,898
24.      To authorise the Company to make off-market purchases of shares from the Consortium Shareholders 414,406,934 99.56 1,841,851 0.44 416,248,785 77.52% 55,591
25.      That a general meeting other than an annual general meeting may be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice 434,885,538 96.93 13,772,157 3.07 448,657,695 83.55% 48,465


  1. Please note a 'vote withheld' is not a vote under English law and is not counted in the calculation of votes 'for' and 'against' a resolution.
  2. As at 6.30pm on 23 April 2024, the share capital of the Company consisted of a total of 543,397,189 ordinary shares made up of: (i) 536,976,805 voting ordinary shares of 679/86 pence each (excluding treasury shares), which carry one vote each; and (ii) 6,420,384 of its ordinary shares of 679/86 pence each in treasury. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in LSEG as at that time were 536,976,805.
  3. Ordinary shareholders are entitled to one vote per share.
  4. Under the Companies Act 2006, the Consortium Shareholders were not permitted to vote the ordinary shares to which Resolution 24 relates.
  5. The percentages above are rounded to two decimal places.
  6. Results of the poll will also be available shortly on the Company’s website: 
  7. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions that do not constitute ordinary business at an annual general meeting will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at