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Lord Mogg Reappointed As Chairman Of ACER Board Of Regulators

Date 25/03/2015

ACER’s Board of Regulators (BoR), who met today in Ljubljana for the 46th time, have reappointed Lord Mogg (OFGEM) as their Chairman for a new term of office of two and a half years starting in May 2015.

Following his reappointment, Lord Mogg said: “ACER has won great admiration for its work from its beginning some five years ago. In the Board of Regulators the collaboration between NRAs themselves and with Agency staff has been of the highest order. It is crucial to reinforce this cooperation and to enhance the complementarity of national and EU regulatory responsabilities. It is indeed a great honour to continue my chairmanship and to contribute to the Agency’s important work to deliver a truly integrated EU energy market”.
The next Board of Regulators will be held in Brussels on 6th May 2015.